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You can depend on proactive communication with Seaplane. We cover Europe including Eastern Europe and Central Asia with direct and indirect routing your freight-tailored specifically to your needs and budget.

Estimated times of arrival, pricing and other shipping details are confirmed daily via fax or e-mail.

If a problem arises you hear it from us, not from your customer. When control of destination and timing is critical, Seaplane has it covered. 

Besides the Benelux we offer road transportation to the following countries:

Frankrijk France Griekenland Greece Litouwen Lithuania  Tjechië Czech  Oezbekistan Uzbekistan
Oostenrijk Austria  Turkije Turkey Georgië Georgia Kroatië Croatia  Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 
Zwitserland Switzerland  Azerbeidjaan Azerbaijan  Rusland Russia Slovenië Slovenia  Kosovo Kosovo
Duitsland Germany Denemarken Denmark Polen Poland Slowakije Slovakia Macedonië Macedonia 
UK UK Zweden Sweden  Albanië Albania  Bosnië Bosnia Herzegovina Kazachstan Kazakhstan
italie Italy  Noorwegen Norway  Hongarije Hungary  Servië Serbia  China China
Spanje Spain  Finland Finland Roemenië Romania  Belarus Belarus USA USA
Portugal Portugal Letland Latvia  Ukraine Ukraine Montenegro Montenegro     
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